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Mental images anchor chart

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In this TIP, we discuss how to engage students with significant cognitive disabilities in think-alouds in the inclusive classroom. This process allows teachers and students to explain the strategies they are using to better understand the text. The think-aloud strategy prompts readers to verbally share their thoughts and reflect on their thinking as they read, solve math problems, or respond to content-based questions (Baumann et al., 1983 Davey, 1983). Teachers can support students’ development of comprehension through the use of think-alouds. Reading is a complex process that requires students to not only read individual words, but also comprehend or determine meaning and understanding from what is being shared on the page.

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TIP #31: Teaching PBIS Tier 1 School-wide Behavioral Expectations to Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities.TIP #27: Including ALL Students in Schoolwide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Article.TIP #26: Making Universal Supports (Tier 1) within a Schoolwide Positive Interventions and Supports More Accessible for All Students.TIP #22: Planning for Whole Group Discussions Article.Tip #21: How to Support Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities During Think-Alouds.TIP #20: Embedded Instruction in the Inclusive Classroom.TIP #19: Creating Accessible Grade-level Texts for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms Article.TIP #18: Choosing Accessible Grade-Level Texts for Use in Inclusive Classrooms Article.TIP #16: Making Inferences in the Inclusive Classroom Article.TIP #15: Turn and Talk in the Inclusive Classroom Article.TIP #14: Academic Standards for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms: Same Content Standards, Alternate Achievement Standards Article.TIP #13: Talking About Grading with Parents or Guardians and Students for Inclusive Classrooms Article.TIP #12: Standards-based Grading and Report Cards in Inclusive Elementary and Middle Schools Article.

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  • TIP #11: Grading for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms Article.
  • TIP #10: The Use of Graphic Organizers in Inclusive Classrooms for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Article.
  • TIP #9: Special Education High Leverage Practices for Instruction in Inclusive Settings Article.
  • TIP #8: High Leverage Practices Crosswalk Article.
  • TIP #7: Homework in the Inclusive Classroom Article.
  • TIP #6: Using the Least Dangerous Assumption in Educational Decisions Article.

  • Mental images anchor chart