Continuing on that last one: How much better would that have been if he'd heard that and just gone "huh. Moronic, oversimplified, rush job of something that would have been much better as an ark. CN & LB are literally the hottest things in Paris rn, Adrian saying "my lady" could literally just be a thing the kids are saying now for all he knows. I won't argue that point because it just is. How Gabriel discovers who Cat Noir says is just stupid. He can't go back and save people, and it creates constant issues in the Doctor's plot and it's awesome. Because the Doctor doesn't control it, he ends up where he's supposed to be to do something that he needs to do because the universe wants him to be there to do the thing. Dr Who is all about time travel, except it's not. Once? Okay you got it out of your system. It's known for this, and yet this show has given us multiple episodes with this kind of teasing.
Time travel, unless done absolutely perfectly is KNOWN for being a cheap, empty plot point by TV writers. But let's just list the issues (again, from my POV): I wanna start by saying that I know this episode was exactly the right cup of tea for some of y'all and I am aware that my opinion is not universal.

No Adrien doesn't have pyjamas (HE SLEEPS WITH SHOES) nothing really happens unlike in Cat Blanc and Oblivio, they were still what if episodes but still add something to the story, Ephemeral design is a grape Adrien suddenly fell in love with Marinete, like we didn't even saw him fell in love it was just: It's Marinette, I'm gonna date her It's easily discardable and forgetable. Moolak's design is horrible the blushing is SO BAD, like Gorizilla was an episode with BEAUTIFUL BLUSHING here. Oh God: Everything went very fast, we can't even process what is happening, it's like this: Bob Roth akumatized - Every hero - No Cat - Gabriel touches his RING (WHY GOD) - Moolak defeated thanks to Viperion, Polymouse, Carapace, Vesperia and a FIRETRUCK - Su-han reappears and want's Ladybug to know Cat's identity - Ladybug and Viperion make a plan - Adrien reveals and the plan fails - Marinete is being tormented because she knows his identity - Marinete reveals - Adrinette canon - Gabriel finds out that Adrien is Cat Noite - Adrien finds his mother corpse - Adrien discovers that Gabriel is ShadowMoth - Adrien akumatized after Gabriel touches his RING (WHY GOD) - ShadowNoir appears and KILLS Marinete - Marinete reveals herself to Luka (because she doesn't know he knows yet) - Sass uses his powers - No one remembers anything - Chaos - Astrocat and Cosmobug transformation - they save the day - Cat sadder - Su-han accepts Ladybug decision of not knowing Cat's identity - End cards, like IT'S TO MUCH. Okay, let's start by the good things of the episode: Cosmobug and Astrocat transformation is finnaly here and is absolutely gorgeous, it's by far one of my favorite transformations Shadows Noir's outfit is what it what's suposed to be, terrifying but good and gives us the information that they can fuse more than 2 miraculous Luka and Marinete relationship just went better, even tho is not romantic (cries in Lukanette Stan), and they didn't make Gabriel do the same thing they did in Cat Blanc, like, "Oh, let me throw my SON across all Paris" (#bestdad), no they make him talk with Adrien, make him understand his point, AND NOT ALMOST KILL HIM Sass uses his power and it was just awesome Joane d'Arc was a Ladybug, just yes and the Animations is good Now the bad parts.